Tuesday, October 17

this beet wonders...

(i'm curious, but also testing out this poll thingy)

How often do you cook per week
7 times or more per week
5-6 times a week
3-4 times a week
1-2 a week
practically never
Free polls from Pollhost.com


At 3:17 PM, Blogger rabfish said...

oh, when counting frozen food you've cooked, i have to change my answer...

how often do you cook the food that you freeze then eat for some meals over 7 times a week? i probably do that about once a week, if I'm lucky.

At 11:06 PM, Blogger been said...

yeah, the poll is pretty anonymous. hmm, i wonder who the 3 mysterious voters are?

i wouldn't count cereals...sandwiches i'm not sure about. depends on how much prep maybe? like a PB & J sandwich as opposed to a grilled veggie sandwich. also not sure if opening and heating a can of soup would count as cooking. or boiling an egg (what i do for brekkie or a snack). so how am i defining 'cooking' here? hm, not so sure now...


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