Tuesday, July 26

assorted goodies

This broccoli cheese pie is oh-so-unvegan but oh-so-good. The potato crust is deelicious. I'm not posting up the recipe because the website is actually pretty good in terms of directions, flavouring etc. The only downside: it's not a quick recipe by any means...but also not as hard as it might seem (potatoes and onions grate very easily -though you'd better be careful if you're sensitive to onions like me); there are just a lot of steps involved.

I found the Post Punk Kitchen while looking for recipes over the web: I like the punk theme and I like the fact that they sell T-shirts (including one that says 'Vegetarians Fart Better'). And it's based on a TV show. AND it's based out of NYC (Brooklyn, actually). Anything associated with NYC has a slightly higher cool factor than something that isn't.

A month or so ago, in a meeting with various community organizations at work, we were served 'lentil soup'. It used masoor ki dal (red lentils) as a base. I liked it and had a second helping. A middle-aged South Asian woman and community worker came up behind me and remarked 'oh, you like that soup? You know, we have something like that too. It's called dal'. Before I could wittily reply back, she walked off. There was an obvious note of sarcasm in her voice. Was it directed at me, for eating the soup? Or at the hotel for serving the soup at all? I don't know. But I made a lentil soup last week, which closely resembles the soup we had that day. It's listed as 'Egyptian Red Lentil Soup' (the [insert nationality] [insert food name] format of naming dishes always makes me a bit nervous, but don't worry, it's very easy to make - you don't even have to chop the garlic! - and tastes very nice too).

Eggplant lovers will appreciate this Eggplant Casserole recipe, which can be easily veganized with vegan parmesan cheese. I cut the eggplant vertically so there were huge slices, making it almost like a lasagna. It tastes especially nice if you get fresh parmesan (as opposed to a Kraft-type brand). I added fresh pepper on the top too. YUM. It took me forever to fry all the eggplant slices first, though. Am I especially slow or is eggplant just a pain to cook?


At 8:16 PM, Blogger amen* said...

what a chicken! burn you and then walk away like that, hmpf. i would say she directed her snarkiness to both you for eating it and the soup's presence. should we feel bad eating "our" foods transformed western-style? i feel a certain degree of shame---

At 12:10 AM, Blogger rabfish said...

Niharika Desai the woman behind the postpunk kitchen is the new mtv desi dj (ha ha ha ha)

wow, what a random angst comment to direct at someone eating a nice bowl of dal. bah.

At 10:42 AM, Blogger been said...

MTV desi!? well now the cool factor has gone up even MORE for PPK. ;)

At 2:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the thing with lentils is that a lot of countries in the world also eat lentils, including in the mediterranean. that silly woman, although i can understand where her frustration might come from (seeing culturally appropriated food all around in the form of 'fusion' food, etc.)

At 2:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the matzoh ball soup recipe on the ppk is really good. my old roommate made that very recipe for us once!

At 4:09 PM, Blogger rabfish said...

I thought you were SUPPOSED to boil up daal and spices until they smoosh.

let's ask niharika desai what she thinks...maybe she'll guest invite y'all from beets and leeks to debate the issue...


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